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Hot Topic – The Critical Outcomes Of Career Opportunities And Orientation

By   /  May 18, 2012  /  No Comments

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The Critical Outcomes Of Career Opportunities And Orientation.

Down the piano came giggling my voice, unroared, unconquered, unaffected, yet the desire to shadow over the arena, but the characteristic orientation, towards one’s goal is drenching,the flowers of life.Day after day, seconds pass minutes,cores of scholars appearing, with one intention to crack the goal that they have set themselves for.

Over the horizon, the startling fact is that either they want to be, an IItian or they want to get in IIMs, some read to play with gadgets, but no one ever condemns to be happy. All plagued with the critical alliteration of getting through a common path, and as a result they destroy the juice of life. If we take an example, whenever and wherever let it be any exam, often after the results being displayed on, the to be matured buds often set a goal for them.

They get to the desired , the best of schools, and want to get best colleges, and prepare solely for it.But, they keep on ignoring their life.The extras of life is not entertained through them. The freshers, even though being good creators,orators,writers,dancers,do not value those appreciations and keep on running the mad run.

Let us do the exhaustive study, that is demanded by any Competitive junk, better say, exhaust the example thet we have taken… What is actually happening? The freshers, confident chunks of parents come for their higher studies to the top schools, and there they destroy their life(even though exceptions exist). Though they get extra time, they drench to solve the questions that he or she was struggling last day, but do not polish the talent that they behold-ed.They have exhausted themselves, to do the exhaustive study of competition life.

And the irony is this.. that when they get opportune to polish their talent, they consider it as an ultimate time waste. “Ghosh!!! damn these school programmes , cursing the time that we have saved.Often ruins…” All this has risen, the negativity, due to their passion to be successful but not to be happy. They don’t run after excellence, but after success, and this actually ruins. May be this negativity has rusted in their minds just because of the external pressure, though categorized to be parental, peer or career, yet all doing the same job,rupturing the blissful life expected.

At the end, what we gites just 1% success stories. And when these rusters look back in the wind of life, that they have seized, they continue to be disappointing. Suggestions never work, What will work, is the strong decision and desire to glamorize one’s passion, but not others expectations. The GREAT EXPECTATIONS often RUINS

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